

给 YOYO 留言

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Mighty useful. Make 说:
2016年9月18日 00:39

Mighty useful. Make no mistake, I appreciate it.

You've managed a fir 说:
2016年9月18日 00:36

You've managed a first class post

à°šà°¦ిà°µ&#31 说:
2016年9月18日 00:29

à°šà°¦ిà°µిà°¨ à°µెంà°Ÿà°¨ే à°¨ేà°¨ు జవాà°¬ు à°µ్à°°ాయలేà°¦ు. à°ªైà°—ా à°ˆ మధ్యలో à°¨ేà°¨ు à°šాà°²ా à°µాà°Ÿిà°¨ి à°šà°¦ుà°µుà°¤ూ ఏదో ఆలోచనలో à°‰ంà°¡ి à°µ్à°°ాà°¶ాà°¨ు. à°…à°¦ే తప్à°ªు. à°µ్à°°ాà°¸ేà°¦ి à°¶్à°°à°¦్à°§ à°—ా à°µ్à°°ాà°¸్à°¤ే à°ªోà°¯ేà°¦ి. సరే. ఆయన à°¸్à°µాà°¨ుà°­ావమైà°¨ా... సరే à°† à°µ్à°¯ాà°–్యతో à°¨ేà°¨ు ఏకీà°­à°µింà°šà°¨ు. మన à°¤ెà°²ుà°—ుà°¨ి ఎవరన్à°¨ా à°…ంà°Ÿే మనం à°Šà°°ుà°•ుంà°Ÿాà°®ా? I read your blog before any comments were written. But I commented just yesterday. okay. Good post. à°®ీ à°Ÿà°ªాà°²ోà°¨ి à°®ాటలని à°®ీà°•ు à°šెà°¬ుà°¤ూ à°Žంà°¦ుà°²ోà°¨ో à°šà°¦ిà°µాననటం à°¨ాà°•ే à°•ాà°®ెà°¡ీ à°—ా à°‰ంà°¦ి. à°¸ాà°°ీ.

Bess Eaton will fore 说:
2016年9月18日 00:04

Bess Eaton will forever be Christ the King’s “Coffee and Donuts” out on the old porch. Those heavy chocolate donuts somehow made catechism class more palatable. I hated it when they got the Bible verses on the cups (Jesus Java, I call it…) but I forgave them because it always seemed like such a Catholic cofee shop to me, due to so many Sundays at CTK. I hate that they will be no more. First Newport Creamery, now Bess Eaton. What next? Del’s? For the love of God, I can take no more….

: on peut s’ac 说:
2016年9月17日 23:24

: on peut s’accrocher très longtemps à nos « sécurités » même si ce sont de fausses sécurités… Tant qu’elles sont perçues comme étant de vraies sécurités par notre inconscient, le stress de les lâcher l’emporte en effet !

we like to honor man 说:
2016年9月17日 22:14

we like to honor many other web sites around the web, even if they aren?t linked to us, by linking to them. Underneath are some webpages really worth checking out

OMG. I am dying over 说:
2016年9月17日 21:50

OMG. I am dying over this! I want a camper so bad and my husband insists that with 3 kids a small camper for trips would never work! I can’t wait to prove him wrong! I’m so in love with it.

Hey! How come I was 说:
2016年9月17日 20:33

Hey! How come I wasnt invited to OC?! I like the beach!lolEh, the oceans too cold at this time, anyways.We used to have a place down there too. Because I was young, I never really noticed the racial tensions infusing the place. When I went back in my 20s, it was all I could notice. Well, have fun!:)And bring me back some saltwater taffy!L

micmoc dit :Bra 说:
2016年9月17日 19:58

micmoc dit :Bravo superman .Bien dommage que tu n’ais pas b…. les ANGLAIS à HAWAI. Les( Anglishs) à LA CHAUME nous les avons virés depuis belle lurette.Je t’embrasse .

le probleme, c&rsquo 说:
2016年9月17日 19:10

le probleme, c’est que c’est la realite. Je reste impartial, mais je n’admets pas les contre-verites, d’ou qu’elles viennent. Les 600 milliards de dettes de l’ere Sarkozy ne sont pas une invention.

5:30PMIt depends on 说:
2016年9月17日 18:46

5:30PMIt depends on the content. There's a world of difference between C.S.I., The Young And The Restless and a Young Boosie (yes, this is a real name) video marathon.

Beste allemaal,Fijn 说:
2016年9月17日 18:19

Beste allemaal,Fijn dat jullie allemaal veilig zijn aangekomen in ZA! Nu gaat het werk beginnen waar je voor bent gekomen…Heel veel succes allemaal de komende week en ik volg jullie op de voet, en Henk…dat dak moet geen probleem zijn!Suc6, Harry

Gracia Monica por tu 说:
2016年9月17日 17:28

Gracia Monica por tu testimonio. Poderle poner nombre y apellido a lo que uno esta padeciendo es ya un gran avance. Por lo menos saber quien es el enemigo y así poder dominarlo. Me alegra te encuentres mejor. gracias de nuevo por compartir tu caso. Te deseo lo mejor. Cuidate. Maria L

Ez valami fantasztik 说:
2016年9月17日 17:00

Ez valami fantasztikus volt! Az ilyenek hitet adnak az embernek, hogy vannak még hősök, és talán abban is segítenek, hogy az ember saját maga is hős legyen majd, amikor ott és akkor kell.

I’ve actually 说:
2016年9月17日 16:47

I’ve actually started writing a pasta that goes along with the whole being afraid of what you don’t understand thing. But the problem/benifit is that there are so many things that could fall into this category. Anything from an alien lifeform to a simple misunderstanding. The one I’m working on centers around an unaturally wholesome family. They look and act like people… but something seems kinda off about them. The uncanny valley is a bottemless well of horror.VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)

i ran today and i en 说:
2016年9月17日 16:21

i ran today and i ended up chasing a shod runner so i had a pretty quick pace. i can't figure out when i'll have time to run tomorrow. i may have to get up real early, uggh.God is goodjpu

Hallelujah! I needed 说:
2016年9月17日 15:53

Hallelujah! I needed this-you're my savior.

A friend of mine use 说:
2016年9月17日 15:39

A friend of mine uses twitter mobile and she convinced me it`s the best twitter tool that exist, because it is so fast in loading. But after seeing your choices, tweeter deck somehow seems to be more reasonable choice…although, at the end,i guess it all depends of our affinities.

Caroline on Not sur 说:
2016年9月17日 15:34

Caroline on Not sure if you are doing in yet but iCloud will sync and push all ur info. Call me if u need help using the default apps. I fully utilize all organizational functions being Type A and all. :)

Je ne regrette pas d 说:
2016年9月17日 15:12

Je ne regrette pas de t'avoir soutenu même si j'étais un peu inquiet au début je te savais prête. Très fière de toi, une fois de plus je sais pourquoi tu vas devenir ma femme