


YOYO posted @ 2012年5月18日 16:30 in 【Java EE】 with tags Hibernate , 7279 阅读


于是查了下资料,和同学、朋友交流了下,就最浅显的部分做了少少比较,还请指点一二。 > < //




StringBuilder builder = "SELECT emp FROM Employee WHERE 1=1 ";
builder.append(" AND name LIKE :Name ");
if (emp.getSex() != -1) { 
	builder.append(" AND sex = :Sex ");
String hql = builder.toString();
Query query = session.createQuery(hql);
query.setString("Name", '%' + emp.getName() + '%');
if (emp.getSex() != -1) { 
	query.setInteger("Sex", emp.getSex());
return (List<Employee>) query.list();


Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Employee.class)
c.add(Restrictions.ilike("name", emp.getName(), MatchMode.ANYWHERE);
if (emp.getSex() != -1) {
	c.add(Restrictions.eq("sex", emp.getSex());
return (List<Employee>) c.list();




  • Hibernate Querying 102 : Criteria API》其实只看了最后一段的When the Hibernate Criteria API is not appropriate,在这里提到了命名查询,于是顺便查了相关的资料。
  • Hibernate 6种查询》、《Hibernate 命名查询NamedQuery》简单地介绍了Hibernate中的六种查询方式。我个人是喜欢用DetachedCriteria和Example。虽说命名查询在静态查询方面效率最佳,但是配置方法感觉可维护性不是很好。名字不规范的话很难理解其意义,又使得业务代码出现在实体代码中,还是更喜欢直接写本地HQL。
  • HQL与Criteria对照》对于常用的查询,HQL与Criteria的写法对比。
伊莉 说:
2013年10月27日 16:38


Junior Dakil Result 说:
2022年9月03日 00:42

Comilla board is another education board working under Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Bangladesh, and the education board is also successfully completed the Grade 8 terminal examinations at all selected examination test centers at Comilla division, and the Junior School Certificate and Junior Dakhil Certificate terminal examination is a second largest examination in the country. Junior Certificate Result Comilla Board The Comilla Board is also completed those subject wise exams between 1st to 3rd week of November as per schedule announced by School Education department, and there are a huge number of students are participated like as all other educational boards from all districts of the division, right now they are waiting to check JSC & JDC Result 2022 Comilla Board with subject wise marks and total marksheet with final CGPA grade of the student.

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